Bibliography Dupuytren’s disease

Some papers, mainly on the anatomy as this is the basis for a correct and complete surgical treatment The historical report (in English) of Baron Guillaume Dupuytren’s presentation by two of his pupils Not all patients with Dupuytren’s disease clinical presentation do have Dupuytren’s disease I really love this paper and suggest you read carefully … Lire plus

Bibliography on nails

I put here some papers I have found interesting when preparing my presentations. They are related to the presentations you will find in the nail section. Nail Anatomy Traumatology of the nails Post-traumatic nail dystrophies Diverse nail dystrophies Onychomycosis Techniques and indications in nail surgery

Références – Bibliography

Voici, classées par thèmes, des références bibliographiques de qualité qui vous donneront un aperçu de la pathologie.Ces références complètent celles qui sont parfois en bas de certaines pages, références qui sont alors plus “ciblées” sur une pathologie particulière. You will find on that page various bibliographic references that I have found of interest. On some … Lire plus